Let the Physical Therapies Begin!

Last Thursday I started my physical therapies! First I got some cold laser on both of my knees and then we did some special exercises.

This first one is for balancing and keeping muscles in my legs working well. On Thursday I tried it with just the one funny ball under my front feet, but when we went back on Monday Dr. G made it more challenging with another funny ball for my back feet.

And I get to trot over these neat cavaletti. At first I wanted to jump them all at once, but I figured out how to step over one at a time pretty quickly πŸ™‚ Mom says this is like an exercise she used to do with her horses!


Dr. G did some special stretches with me too and then it was time for the water treadmilling! She went in with me the first time to make sure I was okay.


Where’s the water??

The water makes me a little nervous and excited (as you can see by my BIG eyes!), but it is kind of fun too and I get treats πŸ˜€


I am ready for another treat, mom!


After my first physical therapies, mom took me to a nice park so I could sit on my mat a while and smell the fresh airs. It was a very beautiful day.


When we got home mom put icy towels on my knees for a while and then we had some Remy + Mom + Linus cuddle time; I was exhausted from so much new adventures!

So far I have had two physical therapies and they are going well. I get to go twice a week for a while! Dr. G is really nice and I like learning the special exercises she teaches me to do. She taught mom how to do more exercises with me at home too. I can’t wait to go back for more therapies on Saturday! πŸ˜€

70 thoughts on “Let the Physical Therapies Begin!

  1. You are beautiful doing your therapies, R. I think it is rude of Linus to put his butt on your head during your cuddle time. You are very well behaved on your mat. Mom is practicing with me and my mat. So far, I will lie down on it and stay there, even if Mom walks away. But if anything interesting happens, I am off like a flash saying, “Mat?? What mat?” I need work…. Keep feeling better!! xoxo

    Love and licks,

    • Aw, thank you, Cupcake πŸ™‚ I don’t mind Linus butt in my face; I’m just happy he finally likes to be near me!

      It sounds like you are doing great with your mat! Just keep practicing and it will get easier to ignore all the exciting stuff going on πŸ™‚

  2. Oh Remy that looks like fun. I bet you will get used to the water. Love the cavaletti. Tell the Mom, that our Mom used to teach riding to kids, board horses and have horse shows, so she knows about the cavaletti. Hope the therapy works for you. Take care.

    • Hehe, the treadmill is fun and kind of scary at the same time. Plus I’m not allowed to swim or jump, just walk. But it is very exciting and that makes me want to do more! πŸ™‚

  3. You are such a good boy! And we think those therapies look pretty fun–like learning tricks. I’ll bet it feels good to be able to be up and around a little more. I don’t think I’d like that water dealio, but then I’m a kitty (and a coward, too, says my Human, even though I don’t think that’s very nice of her). Hope the water is warm at least! I think your eyes look funny in the water picture!

    • It is pretty warm water πŸ™‚ And you’re not a coward, Spitty! You just want to keep your nice furs dry and neat! One of my kitties hates water more than everything, but my other kitty doesn’t mind it a bit…mom says he must be part tiger πŸ˜‰

  4. That water therapy looks interesting! Mommy says she wants to get me to do some water walking too (to build up my back muscles) since walking too much on the hard ground hurts my hips. I wonder if I’ll enjoy it as much as you?


  5. Your therapies sound like fun, Remy, as well as being good for you! You’re getting to try all kinds of new stuff. You are a very lucky boy to have such a wonderful family!

    “Conehead” Tommy

  6. We too are pleased it is going well for you Remy. Take it slow and steady and we know you will be better soon and more like your old self. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  7. You’re so brave Remy – keep your chin up! πŸ™‚ I had to do hydrotherapy too, after I had my hip surgery. But now I run to my heart’s content – it will all be worth it. Good luck Remy! Love, Charlie.

  8. Oh Remy you’re such a GOOD boy – I’m glad you have such a good attitude toward your therapy because it’s EVER so good for you…..I bet that water tank won’t be nearly as scary next time! Sounds like you deserve LOTS of treats because you’re such a good boy…..

    Kitty Hugs, Sam

    • I’ve been in the tank twice now and I just walked right back in the second time πŸ˜€ So I guess I must not find it too terribly scary! Of course, the treats are still totally necessary; mom better not get any crazy ideas…

  9. This takes me back to when Blueberry went through her physical therapy – she did pretty much everything shown here! Isn’t that underwater treadmill wild? Well, actually boring – but it’s good for you!

      • When I first got her she had issues with her bad hips and a bum knee. She didn’t have to do it very often and she’s in pretty good shape now. She’ll always have bad hips, but as long as I keep her thin and on meds when needed along with regular exercise – she will be ok.

      • I’m glad that the therapies helped her so much! And her medicines too. I hope I will be in good shape again just like Blueberry soon πŸ™‚

  10. Oh Remy, I’ve been thinkin’ abouts you pal ~ looks like your doin’ FABulously at your therepies! Good job! I don’t knows if I could balance on those squishy balls at the same time!
    That pool looks too much like a bath to me Remy…..

    • It is like a bath, Ruby! I even have to get sprayed with some other water at the very end. But I am just so glad to be out of the house and moving around, it’s all right with me πŸ™‚

      The funny balls are not so tricky as they look. Although two was a lot more tricky than just the one…

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