Two Bark Boxes? Too Good to Be True!

Since I got so many Christmas presents in December, mom decided to play a sneaky game and wait to give my December Bark Box. And then my January Bark Box came too! So now I’ve got two whole months of Bark Box fun to manage all at once; what is a poor pup to do? 😉

First I’ll show you what came in the December Bark Box:


First I got this very adorable Simply Fido reindeer buddy, who I just love. And he is made of all organic, chemical free fabrics and stuffings, which my mom just loves!


And there was some Fresh Dog Oatmeal Shampoo. Now I am not very happy about bath time, but I do have dry, sensitive skins, so maybe I might be just a tiny bit excited about this nice shampoo. And it has a very nice smell; mom just smells it for fun sometimes 🙂

Then there was a special Puppy Cake mix (just for pups, of course). Mom has not made this tasty looking thing yet, but I hope she will make it for me soon!


And the last thing was these biscuits from Bocce’s Bakery. These little cookies smell so delicious that mom almost ate one! They’ve only got 5 ingredients in them and they are tasty tasty tasty!



Oohhhh pleeeease, can I eat it mom???


Hello you delicious biscuit!


Yum yum yum…next please!

And now for January:


This box came with some yummy Superior Farms Lamb Toasters. I’ve never had a treat quite like these before. They are kind of puffy and light, but crispy. Very delicious!

A pleasure to meet you Mr. Lamb Toaster! Welcome to my tummy 🙂

And there were even more treats! I just love peanut butter and I just love these yumZies peanut butter chewy treats.

I should be a professional taster!

That’s a lot of treats, I know, but there was one more tasty thing waiting in my Bark Box. A Barkworthies curly bully stick! I would chew one of these guys every day if mom would let me…JanBarkBox4

Are you real? This is too good!


And the last cool thing I got in my January Bark Box is my new little buddy, Elton the Octopus from Jax and Bones. Now I love stuffy toys. And I love rope toys. This guy is kind of like a stuffy plus a rope toy put together! We have been having a lot of fun together 😀

Why do I always have to wait for the good stuff?

Nice to meet you, Elton!

Now let’s play!!!

Wow! That was a ton of stuff! This double Bark Box situation is a lot of fun, but now I am exhausted. Nap time!

19 thoughts on “Two Bark Boxes? Too Good to Be True!

  1. Enjoying two months of bark boxes in one month is no easy task, but I know that you will step up to the plate and eat/play your way through them both! It’s a tough job, but someone has got to do it.

  2. Remy you sure are a blessed pup. All those treats looks so yummy. And to think february is just around the corner and that means another fun BarkBox.

  3. That is a ton of awesome stuff Remy! I like the cake mix and your new octopus the best I think. Thanks for donating to the fundraiser, I will make your valentine soon! Also, I’m not sure if I’m out of the loop but I just put 2+2 together and found your mom’s business – very cool!

  4. Ray just signed up to get a barkbox too, so we’re looking forward to February. We did the pawbox for january and while it was ok, it wasn’t great.

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